say it sister, newport

Located in Hall St, Mamma has been dropping in for a casual shop here for quite a while! With new stock all the time, there is always something new to try on, buy or ogle - we love it.
The change room area is fantastic with huge amounts of space, a couch and even some kids toys - it is great if you have a pram or kids in tow when you are shopping.

There are plenty of gifts, kids stuff, shoes, sunnies and a few bits for guys too - you will always find a little something to spoil that someone special…..OR when in doubt grab a gift voucher!

Mamma’s special mentions: You have to drop in for a coffee at Heart of Hall or a laksa at Hawkers Lane!

the nitty gritty

Monday - Friday
10am - 5pm
Saturday & Sunday
10am - 3pm

30 Hall St, Newport

wanna know more? click here