beevers reserve, kingsville

Have you ever wanted to ride on a giant grasshopper? Or take a spin on a spaceship? In this lovely quiet pocket of Kingsville you can do both! Mamma and the fam love this bright, colourful and unique playground. The stairs to the slide make it easily accessible for your little ones and the tyre swing and rocking tractor will appeal to bigger kids. Mamma recommends you bring a picnic blanket, some snacks, a ball or two and invite a couple of friends to meet you. It is seriously hard to drag the kids away once you get them here. There's a lovely open oval space adjacent to the playground so be sure to pack your kite on a windy day. 

Mamma's special mention: If your family are kite flying fans, be sure to check out Mamma's Hot Five Parks for Flying Kites

the nitty gritty
at Wales St

park benches - lots of free parking - little shade