nhu lan bakery, footscray

Mamma loves a tasty cheap eat! Lunch for under $6.00? Roll on up to a Banh Mi!

 What makes a good Banh Mi? It all starts with a crusty bread roll that’s soft as clouds on the inside and super crunchy on the outside . If you’re not covered in bread crust shrapnels all over your lap, then you’ve simply had a sandwich…

Nhu Lan serves up the most authentic Vietnamese Banh Mi and has 9 varieties on offer. This king of Vietnamese rolls combines a cultural mish mash of a golden French baguette, pork pate, Chinese char Sui (barbecue pork) that’s topped with fresh Asian herbs and salad. There’s always a queue most times of the day going outside the door but it moves quickly. So join in!

Mamma’s special mentions: The Footscray Market is just across the road to grab some supplies for home!

the nitty gritty

Monday - Thursday
5am - 6pm

5am - 7pm

Saturday - Sunday
5am - 6pm

Wanna know more? click here