bindu creative dance, footscray

Mamma loves this creative dance class. It is so much more than dance. It is an amazingly nurturing session that explores so many different things it is impossible to really pinpoint one thing that the kids are doing during these sessions - Mamma was lucky enough to observe a 3-5yo class let me tell you Lisa is incredible - her 'show and tell' sessions at the beginning teaches respect to peers and listening whilst giving the kids a chance to settle into the session plus Lisa takes the opportunity to get to the know the kids too. Lisa sets up the room magically - to inspire movement and as they spin and twirl, jump and turn - the kids don't even realise they are indeed dancing! Lisa clearly loves doing what she does and the kids love and trust her. Mamma couldn't recommend these sessions enough. 

Mamma's special mentions: Bindu Creative Dance also do great school holiday programs - keep an eye on her their website for details - click here

the nitty gritty

Mondays 8yrs+  4:10-5:10

Wednesdays - Preschoolers 4-5 yrs  9:30-10:15

Wednesdays- 3 yrs  10:30-11:15

Thursdays - Toddlers + Parent/carer/grandparent & Child (18months-3rd birthday)

Thursdays- Preschoolers 3-5 yrs 10:30-11:15

Thursdays- Preppies/Grade 1

Fridays- Preschoolers 3-5yrs

The Body Voice Centre, 50 Wolverhampton St Footscray